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Pricing Power (EN)

The practical guide to profitable growth

A rock-solid pricing policy is the key to profitable growth. Don’t let the market determine your prices and make sure that customers are willing to pay what you ask.

Price is the main profit driver. A percent price increase yields much more than a percent cost reduction or a percent volume increase. But how do you know what the right price is? In this book you will discover step by step how to set attractive prices based on the value you provide to your customers. This will give you pricing power and ensure that you’re no longer at the mercy of the vagaries of the market.

Pricing Power is the first book that makes pricing simple, practical and immediately applicable. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or leading a multinational, this book is a must-read for anyone looking to grow their business in a profitable way. Joris Smits shares his knowledge and experience, using dozens of recognizable practical examples.

Joris Smits is a passionate pricing expert who has supported numerous companies in various industries improve their pricing policies. His mission is to help companies in getting the best price for the value they deliver.


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    Paperback en e-book

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Must read

This book offers a great in depth guide into core strategic pricing principles and the capabilities needed to successfully implement them in your business. A must read for all commercial professionals looking to tap into the power of pricing to deliver bottom line growth while building long term relationships with customers. Special call out to the practical examples which bring these concepts to life.

Pricing power helpt!

Onlangs kwam ik in bezit van het boek Pricing Power. Ik was positief verrast en wil dan ook niet nalaten om je hierop te wijzen. Want een betere prijs leidt meteen tot meer winst. En Pricing power helpt daarbij.

Pricing Power Tips van Joris Smits

Interview met Joris Smits over Pricing Power.

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